Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Girl Next Door Chapter 12

Sidney was busy on Monday, Kate’s day off, so she hung out with her friend, Carly. They just stayed around Sewickley, neither of them felt like doing too much. As it had turned out, everyone was on Kate’s side after the fight. Everyone was sick of Stacie, and they all told her that themselves. She was a bitch, and one of them had finally stepped up and told her, the person they thought would never have. They agreed that Kate would tell them if she was dating Sidney, so it was obvious to them that she was not. Kate didn’t like keeping secrets from her friends, but it was something she had to do. Carly had asked her about it too, and Kate told them that they were just friends, but she had asked her before she had gone out on her date. It was tough for Kate not to talk about stuff, but when she had to, she just called Rachel, Neal, or Allison. The next day, they went back to school, and life was back to normal.
Kate and Sidney talked on the phone, and they decided to just watch a movie on Wednesday night after dinner. Sidney was still nervous about his games the night before, and he just wanted to relax. It was only his third game at home, and all of them had been sellouts. He felt a lot of pressure to help the team and make them great, but he didn’t let the pressure show in public. They watched a movie, and didn’t talk too much. Sidney went back to Mario’s, and they didn’t kiss, again. It was obvious how shy he was, how shy they both were.
The Penguins lost again that night, but Sidney still played well. He was trying so hard, and things just were not clicking well with the team. After the game, he didn’t have too many interviews to do, so Kate got to see him sooner than expected.
“Hey Kate,” he said when he saw her.
“Hi Sid,” she replied, giving him a hug.
“I got done early tonight,” he said. “Do you want me to give you a ride?”
“Let me check,” she said, leaving the room to see her parents, who said it was okay, but she had to come straight home since she had school.
“It’s all good,” she told him when she came back.
“Great,” he said. “Give me ten, fifteen minutes, and I’ll be back out.”
While she waited for Sidney, she talked to some of the other people in the room, like girlfriends and families. When Sidney came out, fifteen minutes later, they left, and went over to where he parked. Mario had come down to the game later, so Sidney had one of his cars. Luckily, no one was waiting outside for Sidney, since it was late and a weeknight, so they went home, and got there quickly. Kate could tell something was on his mind, but she decided it was best not to ask. They talked about everything, and when they got back to Kate’s, he walked her back up to the door.
“We leave tomorrow for Boston,” he told her. “I’ll be back Sunday afternoon.”
“Okay,” she said. “Well, I better go inside, I’ve got school tomorrow.”
She then turned her back on him to unlock the door.
“Kate, wait,” he said.
She turned back around.
“What?” she asked him gently.
He leaned down towards her, gently placed his hand on her face, and kissed her. Kate, who was surprised by this, kissed him back. The kiss, which seemed to last forever, only lasted a couple of seconds. It was gentle, but full of passion. They gently broke apart, and looked into each other’s eyes.
“I’ll see you soon,” he quietly told her.
“See ya,” she replied, just as quietly.
She opened the door, stepped inside, waved good-bye to him, and then gently closed the door.
Kate woke up the next morning, tired from having gone to bed so late. After she took a quick shower, got ready, and ate breakfast, she found she still had a little time, so she decided to walk to school. On her way, she was going to make a call, because she had to talk to someone.
“Kate, what?” Rachel said. “It’s so early here! I don’t have to wake up for like half an hour yet! You know we start late!”
“Rach, I’ve got to tell you something,” Kate said.
“What?” Rachel replied, sensing the urgency in Kate’s voice.
“I kissed him,” she quietly said.
“No way!” Rachel excitedly yelled. “Oh my God!”
“I had to tell someone,” she said. “You’re still the only friend I’ve told about this, Rach.”
“Really?” she asked.
“Ya,” Kate replied. “I think I’m going to keep it that way for awhile too. I mean, it’s Sidney Crosby, he’s got enough publicity.”
“Definitely,” Rachel said in agreement. “I won’t even tell my parents, I’ve only told them that you’re friends. I still can’t believe you kissed him! What was it like?”
“Amazing,” she said, sighing. “Definitely felt something between us.”
“Wow,” Rachel said. “Hang on to him. My friend, who is never all gushy about guys, finally is gushy about one!”
“I know,” she said. “I can’t believe it. Hey, I’m almost at school, I’ve got to go.”
“I’ll call you when I get home from school,” Rachel said.
“Great,” she said, smiling. “Talk to you later! Sorry to wake you up early.”
“Not a problem,” Rachel said, “talk to you later.”
They hung up their phones, and Kate turned hers off. She walked into school, and acted as though nothing had changed.

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