I’m still not sure how long we sat there like that. I know that it was after the car had stopped at the restaurant. I know that it was after the driver had opened the door. I know that Sidney sent him away. And I know that Sidney burst out laughing as soon as the door was closed behind the driver.
“It’s not funny.” I muttered, half angry, half crying into his neck.
I felt his hand smoothing my hair gently. “Of course its funny Dare.” Sidney whispered, dropping kiss after kiss on the top of my head. “It’s funny because I love you too babe, and I didn’t know how to tell you.”
He paused to laugh. “Hell, part of me was absolutely convinced that you’d already moved on to some new guy in Halifax… a teacher or something, someone who was going to be there for you the way you need… the way that you deserve.”
I forced myself to raise my head and look at him. “I love you Sidney.” I whispered again.
“I love you too Darryl.” He whispered back, before his lips came crashing down on mine.
We were there, kissing each other frantically. We loved each other. I’d never been in love with someone who loved me back before. It was amazing… all of the feelings that were overwhelming as continued to kiss in the back of the limo.
Sidney broke the kiss after several long minutes. “Are you hungry?” He asked, his voice low and seductive, as he raised my hair to trace a long line of kisses down my neck.
“Not for supper.” I moaned as he continued to lick and suck at my neck. “But I am definitely hungry for something.”
I shifted in his lap, pleased to feel that he was just as turned on by this as I was. “God Dare….” He muttered as I shifted again. “Damn babe you’re going to end up naked in a limo.”
I shrugged and kissed him firmly. “I didn’t know that naked was necessary.” I teased him, sucking insistently on his upper lip.
“Let’s go.” He muttered, kissing my ear.
“Where?” I asked. “I mean, I’m supposed to fly out tomorrow.”
“My hotel room.” Sidney muttered. “I’m rooming with Max.”
“And won’t Max mind?” I asked, running my fingers through his hair.
“Max is out for supper with everyone else.” Sid said, stroking my hair gently. “Then everyone is going out. He won’t be back for awhile. We can even meet everyone out later if you want….” He trailed a finger slowly down my arm. “Or we could just stay in bed….”
I kissed him firmly. “Let’s go.” I said.
Sidney picked up the phone and told the driver where we wanted to go before he went back to nipping at my collarbone with his teeth. He moaned loaned and moved his hands up my chest.
Two hours later we were back in the car, this time on our way to club where the rest of the Penguins (and many of the Senators) were planning on spending most of the evening. Sidney and I had made up, showered, made up some more, showered again and finally gotten dressed and headed out of the hotel.
Sidney wanted me to meet his teammates and I wanted to meet them as well. I had missed him so much since we’d fought. It was nice to just… be with him again. Touching him was a nice added bonus. I leaned my head on his shoulder as we drove towards the club. With a gentle hand, he reached up and stroked my hair softly.
I sighed with contentment. Sidney smiled at me softly and leaned down and kissed me on the forehead. “I’ve missed you too Dare.” He told me, his voice low.
I tilted my face up and accepted his kiss. I moaned low and slid my hands up his chest, playing with the buttons on his dress shirt (not an ugly peach one… after undressing him, I’d been smart enough to dress him well). “Dare we are never going to make it to the club if you keep this up.”
I leaned forward and took his ear between my teeth before licking the shell of his ear. With a wicked grin, I pulled back. “Well I suppose I should stop then.”
Sidney glared at me and pulled me back onto his lap. We weren’t exactly practicing proper vehicle safety, since neither of us were wearing a seatbelt. “Get back here.” He muttered.
“If you insist….” I said, trailing a line of kisses down his neck.
We kept making out, ignoring what was going on in the world around us, until the limo came to a stop and the driver knocked discreetly on the door. “Shall we?” Sidney murmured, his lips millimeters from mine.
“I suppose.” I muttered, not giving an inch.
Sidney didn’t move either, not that he could, since I was still sitting on his lap, but that was a technicality as far as I was concerned. I leaned forward and quickly pecked him on the lips. “Let’s go.” I said, jumping up and letting the driver hold the door open for us.
Sidney got out first and held his hand out for me. It wasn’t exactly a huge club or anything like that, but since the entire team was supposed to be there, I supposed it was probably the place to be in Wilkes-Barre tonight. The line outside the place definitely confirmed that assumption.
“What am I going to do without you Dare?” Sidney whispered into my ear, his breath deliciously warm on the back of my neck.
“Pine for me daily.” I teased him as he smiled and waved at some of the people in line, and even stopped and signed a couple of autographs.
While he did that, I practiced blending into the background. There was no need for this weekend to result in problems for him with Pat. Or problems for me with Pat for that matter, because having worked for the man, I definitely did not want to be on his bad side.
When Sidney was done we headed inside, where a group of his teammates immediately swept us up. Sidney laughed as someone said something incredibly loudly and drunkenly in French. “Max tu es ivre.” Sidney replied in French with a grin. “This is my girlfriend, Darryl. Darryl this is Max, he’s my roommate.”
Max grinned. He wasn’t my idea of handsome, but I’ve always liked guys with a baby face, like Sidney, where as Max was more ruggedly good looking. Five o’clock shadow and all. “Nice to meet you.” He said, shaking my hand. “I hope you guys didn’t make too much of a mess.”
I probably blushed, though I did my best to sound nonchalant. “Mess?” I asked innocently. “What kind of mess could Sidney and I possibly have made?”
Max burst out laughing. “I like you.” He announced, slingling an arm around my shoulders.
Making a face because his breath reeked of booze, I removed his arm. “Thanks, I think.” I said with a wry smile.
Sidney just chuckled. “Go get another drink for the pretty brunette you were talking to when we walked in Max. Otherwise, she might not think you’re interested.”
“Yes sir, phenom, sir.” Max said with a mock salute, wandering away.
Sidney shook his head as Max walked away. “He’s a goof.” He told me. “But he’s got a good heart. We played together on Team Canada’s World Junior Team when I was 16.”
“I’ve seen a picture of the two of you I think.” I said, trying to think. “Did he have shorter hair back then?”
Sidney nodded. “Yep… and the same big goofy smile.”
We laughed about that. The rest of the night was a bit of a blur. Sidney introduced me to all of his teammates that were there as well as a few of the Ottawa Senators that had shown up that he knew. We drank, we laughed, and we had fun. It was a good time except that it reminded me that he would be having good times like this without me again soon.
Oh sure, I could go out and have good times of my own in Halifax, but it just wasn’t the same as the good times he would be having. He had girls falling all over him. Guys never just fell all over me like that. I wasn’t as special as he was… is. And I never will be. I’m just Darryl Koryluk, a teacher.
The last time we’d gone out like this, neither of us had a good time. The second time we went out like this, I’d had a good time and Sidney hadn’t. Now Sidney was still having a good time and I was contemplating how exactly I was going to deal with knowing that he was doing this without me being there to be with him.
It’s not that I’m a jealous person. But the major problem with long distance relationships is that its easy to lie. I mean, if I lived in Pittsburgh, I’d have no problem with Sidney going out on his own with the boys from time to time, because no matter what went down, it would eventually get back to me.
Being in Halifax it wasn’t quite that easy. However, as I watched him, goofing around with Max and Marc-Andrè, I couldn’t help but smile. He was so happy to be here, living out his dream. There was no way that I was going to put a damper on things by bringing up my insecurities.
He looked over at me and smiled. He looked so happy and young… carefree almost. It was almost believable. Except for the minor detail that I actually knew him… knew him outside of the rink. So that meant that I knew that he was anything but carefree. He knew that the Pittsburgh Penguins, and the NHL in general was looking to him to save the team and the league.
That’s a lot of responsibility on 18-year-old shoulders. I couldn’t very well make him responsible for my happiness on top of it. It wouldn’t be the right thing to do. So I smiled back at him, realizing in that moment, that part of trusting him would be realizing that things, whatever they were, wouldn’t get back to me.
I would just have to take his word for it, and at that moment, I was more then happy to trust in him and whatever he had to say to me. “You look deep in thought.” Sidney said, coming over and giving me a quick kiss, though not after checking to make sure that no one was watching.
I shrugged. “I was just thinking about you.” I told him with a smile, squeezing his hand in mine.
“Good things I hope.” Sidney said, still smiling softly. “Though from the look on your face Dare, I’m not entirely sure that it was only happy thoughts were going through your mind.”
Looking around quickly, I leaned forward and kissed him softly only the cheek. “The good thoughts were all about Crosby.” I told him softly. “They were all about you.”
A grin broke out on Sidney’s face. “All of my good thoughts are all about you Dare.” He paused, and his grin got wider. “Well almost all of them. A lot of them are about hockey.”
I smiled a shook my head. “I don’t know why I put up with you Crosby, except that you’re some kind of wonderful honey. You are some kind of wonderful.”
The End
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