Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Chapter 20 - How I Spent My Summer Vacation

True to my word, I dragged Mark’s sorry ass out of bed at 5:30. “But I feel sick still….” He whined.

“And believe it or not.” I said sarcastically. “A shower and a little food will help.”

“Bitch.” He muttered.

“I believe we’ve established that already Tobin.” I said with a grin. “Now get in the shower or you can be the one to explain to Mrs. Crosby why you still smell like a brewery. And I definitely would NOT want to have that kind of conversation with her.” I said shaking my head for effect.

I finally managed to get Mark into the shower and quickly called Sidney, letting him know that we’d probably be a few minutes late. Then I got to go through the hell of choosing what to wear. I mean, my first meeting with his parents had not exactly gone as planned. I didn’t exactly want to have a repeat, so I picked up my cell and called Michelle.

“Michelle I need your help!” I said frantically.

“With what?” She asked, sounding distracted, letting me know that Danny was there and she clearly was not thinking straight.

“With what to wear to have super with Sidney and his family.” I said. “I actually met his parents this morning, but it totally wasn’t under, umm, good circumstances.”

Michelle giggled. “Who was naked?”

“Well when Sid’s Mom saw us, no one, but I was kind of wearing Sidney’s pants.” I admitted. “So I need to pick something… parent friendly for tonight.”

Michelle laughed. “So that’s why you disappeared from the party last night.” She said.

“Well kind of.” I said, leafing through the clothes in my closet. “I mean, Sid and I just wanted to spend a little more time together. Then we headed back to my Tante’s place and, well he fell asleep and all hell broke loose from there.”

Michelle laughed. “You will have to tell me the story complete demain cheri.” She said, switching, as she often did to French part way through a sentence. “But what are you thinking of wearing?” She asked getting to the important problem.

“Umm jeans, because its just an informal super.” I said. “But I am not sure what to wear with it. Do I wear something lacy, and a little sexy? Or do I wear a t-shirt? If I wear a t-shirt do I wear something with a saying on it? Or just a regular t-shirt?”

“Oh mon dieu Nicole.” She said giggling. “Just pick a shirt that does not say anything about sex and does not show your breasts. Oh and chose jeans that do not show your underwear when you sit.”

I rolled my eyes. As if I handed thought about that already. “Thanks for the advice Michelle. I’ll let you go back to taking care of Danny’s needs.” I said. “I’ll meet you tomorrow for lunch and tell you all about it.”

“Pick me up out front.” She said. “Don’t be late.”

“I won’t.” I said clicking off. “Bye.”

I stood surveying my closet. “MARK!” I yelled. “Come here!”

Mark entered my room, and saw me standing there in only a bra and a pair of boy cut panties. “Ooh la la Nickie.” He said. “Looking to cheat on the kid?”

I rolled my eyes. “No.” I said, glaring at him. He was wearing jeans and an Ocèanic t-shirt. “I need advice on what to wear.”

“Oh lord.” He replied rolling his eyes. Then he glanced around. “Here.” He said, handing me a pair of jeans. “Put these on. The navy blue and pink Nikes, a t-shirt with a non-offensive slogan and the Ocèanic hoodie I gave you.”

I kissed him on the cheek. “Mark have I ever mentioned that I love you?”

“No.” He said. “But you definitely should more often. Now let’s go, I’m starving.”

“This from the boy who didn’t want to get up less then a ½ hour ago?” I teased.

He shrugged. “Hey, I’m wrong from time to time, which means that on those very rare occasions that I am wrong, someone else has to be right. Today was just your lucky day I guess.”

I stuck my tongue out at him. “Batarde.” I muttered.

Mark just laughed. “Apparently you’ve been learning your French from Sidney huh?”

“Batarde.” I repeated folding my arms across my chest.

“So we going or what?” He asked.

“Can I get dressed first?” I asked sarcastically.

“I suppose.” He said with a shrug.

“Are you going to leave me alone to do it?” I asked, when he remained where he was, standing in the doorway.

He grinned. “I’ve already seen you in your underwear.”

“True.” I said, reaching for the jeans and pulling them on. “But I prefer if you didn’t mention that to Mrs. Crosby. She may take it the wrong way.”

He laughed. “You’ll have to tell me the whole story someday.” He said.

“I’ll tell you tomorrow.” I said, pulling on a t-shirt that said “Canadian Girl – Enough Said” across the boobs. “But I’m not sure that it’s as funny as you and Michelle seem to think that it is.”

“Sure it is.” Mark said with a smirk. “I mean, it’s especially funny since you were so worried about meeting his parents, and then you and Sidney decide to sneak off, and then you’re forced to meet his parents after they think that you and their son were up all night having sex. Not exactly the impression that you were trying to make.”

“Gee thanks for pointing that out Mark.” I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes. “Neither Sidney nor I had realized that.”

“Are you ready to go yet?” He asked as I pulled on my sneakers.

“Impatient much?” I replied, running a brush through my hair.

“Yes!” He said. “I’m HUNGRY.”

“That doesn’t surprise me.” I said, rolling my eyes. “You guys are always hungry.”

“And Mme. Paradis isn’t exactly good with cooking meals at regular times.” Mark said. “So a home cooked meal that is actually warm when we get it would be nice.”

“Okay.” I said checking my mirror and quickly applying another coat of lip-gloss. “Let’s go.”

We headed out into the cold, to my nice warm car. “I hate winter.” I muttered.

“Well in the clothes you usually wear I could see why.” Mark said with a grin. “In fact, I can’t wait for spring and summer.”

“Why’s that?” I asked.

“Because if you wear this little clothing in the winter, I can’t wait to see what you wear when it’s actually warm out.” He said.

“Haha.” I said, getting into the car and pulling out onto the street.

“So when should I tell the Crosby’s about how you sleepover at his place every single night?” Mark asked grinning wickedly.

“Mark that still isn’t funny.” I informed him. “Especially since you didn’t have to deal with Mr. & Mrs. Crosby this morning.” I paused. “Particularly Mrs. Crosby.”

We pulled up to Eric and Sidney’s. “Fine, I’ll behave myself.” Mark said. “But you realize that’s no fun at all.”

“Yes.” I said leaning over and kissing him on the cheek. “And I thank you for refraining from having any fun at all until this is over.”

He laughed. “Well when you put it that way….”

I rang the doorbell, and Sid answered. “Go in Tobin.” He said, wrapping his arm around me, kissing me fiercely.

“I missed you.” He whispered into my hair.

“It’s only been five hours silly.” I said hugging him tightly.

“You missed me too.” He replied an arm around my shoulders as he led me into the house.

“So what did your Mom make for supper?” I asked.

“My night before a game favourite.” Sidney replied. “Spaghetti with either chicken in Alfredo sauce or a hamburger meat sauce.”

I kissed him softly on the cheek. “Sounds great.”

He wrapped his arms around me and spun me around. “I know what sounds even better.” He murmured into my neck.

I hit him lightly on the back of the head. “Sidney!” I squealed. “Stop it.”

“Only if you promise I get my cuddle later.” He replied, imprisoning my arms by my side as his lips worked on my neck.

“Fine.” I said, pulling away from him. “You’ll get your cuddle. Mark can take my car home and then you can take me home later, and we’ll have a quickie.”

He pouted. “Not too quick right?”

“Long enough that we can have fun, but quick enough that your Mom doesn’t find us.” I said, grabbing his ass and licking his neck teasingly. “Good enough for you phenom?”

“Perfect brat.” He replied looking adoringly down at me.

“Stop it.” I hissed as we walked into the dinning room.

“Stop what?” He replied.

“Stop looking at me like that.” I said. “You’re making me feel all weepy.”

Our hands entwined we headed into the kitchen, where Mrs. Crosby was still hard at work on supper. “Is there anything I can help you with Mrs. Crosby?” I asked.

“Not at all Nicole.” She said. “Everything’s almost ready. Sidney can you carry one of the dishes with the pasta in it to the table please?” She turned to me and smiled. “These boys eat a lot before games.”

“I’d noticed.” I said dryly. “Wow.” I said glancing at all of the food on the table that had been set up in the living room. “I wish I could cook like that.”

“You can’t cook?” She asked.

“Umm I can make a mean breakfast.” I said. “But we had a woman who made lunch for Mom and dinner for us all after Frankie died. I learned to make breakfast because no one else would make it, I ate lunch at school every day, and then supper was ready for me. So I’ve never had to learn how.”

“Does your Mom cook?” She asked, looking interested.

“She used to.” I said, taking a carrot stick. “Before Frankie died. She was, like, super-Mom then.” I paused. “Now mainly she drinks.”

“And your Dad?”

“Dad works and has sex with the secretary.” I said. “He used to make breakfast on Saturdays though, before we did whatever we were doing as a family that day.”

“And now you’re here.” She said.

It was said as a statement, but I felt as if I had to answer. “Yeah, I’m here, and they’re there, and Ms. Kulak can go to hell for interfering in my life.”

“You really mean that don’t you?” She said.

“Yes.” I said vehemently. “I mean, Sidney is amazing and I can’t imagine my life without him, or without Mark, or Eric, or Michelle or Danny or any of the friends I’ve made out here, but I feel so disconnected from what’s left of my family.”

“It seems to me that you’ve made a new family for yourself out here.” She said. “I mean, I know Sidney and Eric both speak very highly of you, and Mark, Sidney says you and Mark are so close he could be jealous.”

I shrugged. “Maybe I have, made a new family that is, but I will always miss the one I used to have.”

Mrs. Crosby nodded. “Well if my son loves you as much as he says he does, then you must be one heck of a girl.” She said. “He doesn’t think I know, but I was worried about the way he was going, a different girl every time he wanted one.”

“You know?” I asked, eyebrows raised. “How?”

“A young lady named Bianca called the house to let me know.” Mrs. Crosby said. “A very nice young woman. In fact, she told us about you too, but Sidney had already told us.”

“Bianca’s a jealous bitch.” I said point-blank. “She wanted to be Sidney’s girlfriend so badly that the first time she met me she threatened me, and I hadn’t even met Sidney yet. She didn’t have much to worry about since when we first met, Sid and I just rubbed each other the wrong way.”

Mrs. Crosby frowned in disapproval of my language. “She can’t truly be that bad, I could tell she was jealous of you, but still she told me the truth that Sidney was being faithful to you.”

“Sid knows better then to cheat on me.” I replied. “I can put up with being away from him for days, and for only quick calls or worse, text messages when things get really insane, but cheating is the one thing I will not put up with. Mark would be the first person to let me know if Sidney ever even THOUGHT about it.” I paused. “I care about your son Mrs. Crosby, and he cares about me. Bianca should just stay out of it.”

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