Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Girl Next Door Chapter 64

“Yeah?” Kate said, stirring as she spoke.
The door creaked open and Sidney poked his head inside. “Hey,” he greeted, walking into the room and shutting the door.
“Hey yourself,” she replied as he lay down next to her on the bed.
“What time did you leave?” he asked as he kissed Kate’s forehead and wrapped his arms around her.
“Five,” she replied, snuggling up to him.
They laid there in silence for a few minutes, until they figured it was time to get up. They left Kate’s room and headed down to the kitchen to get some breakfast.
“Morning, Kate!” Taylor greeted as Kate and Sidney walked into the kitchen.
“Morning, Tay,” she replied as she sat down at the table.
“Nothing for me?” Sidney asked her as he sat down.
“Nope,” she replied, laughing.
“So, all you can do is grill, make peanut butter and jelly, and pour cereal,” Kate stated, looking at Sidney. “What can you pour me for breakfast?”
Taylor and Sidney laughed, as he replied, “Hey, I can make pasta too.”
“I could make pasta when I was like eight,” Kate countered.
“You can pour your own cereal,” Sidney said seriously, until he started laughing a couple of seconds later. He walked over to the cabinet, and pulled out Froot Loops and Smart Start, and placed them on the table. He went back and got two bowls and two spoons, and stopped at the fridge to grab the milk.
Kate grabbed the Froot Loops and poured some into her bowl. Sidney did the same with his Smart Start, and after they each poured the milk and started eating their breakfast, they just smiled at each other.
“Do you guys love each other?” Taylor asked.
Both Sidney and Kate were in the midst of chewing their cereal, were both just kind of taken aback with Taylor’s question.
“Yeah Taylor, we do,” Sidney replied, Kate nodding her head in agreement.
“So, are you two, like, going to get married?” Taylor said in a part-serious, yet part-sarcastic tone.
At that, both Kate and Sidney started laughing.
“We’ll see, Tay,” Kate said, in mid-laugh.
After that, Sidney turned on the television in the kitchen and they watched it for the remainder of breakfast. Kate and Sidney kept looking at each other, smiling.
After breakfast, Kate took a shower and got ready, as did both Sidney and Taylor. They hung out for a little bit until noon, Trina came home from running errands, and Sidney and Kate headed out to meet some of Sidney’s friends. They were going to lunch at one of Sidney’s favorite places, and Kate was kind of nervous to meet some of his friends.
They walked into the restaurant, and Sidney’s friends were already there. They greeted each other before he introduced Kate.
“Kate, this is Tim, Mike, and Sam,” he said as Kate shook each one of their hands.
“It’s nice to finally meet you guys, Sid’s told me so much about you,” Kate said.
“He’s told us a lot about you too,” Tim said. “He talks about you all the time.”
Kate and the others laughed as Sidney slightly blushed.
“So, how do you like it up here so far?” Mike asked.
“It’s so pretty,” Kate replied. “I love it; it’s small, but not too small.”
They chatted and got to know each other, only pausing when the waitress came to take their orders. Kate heard some great stories about Sidney when he was younger; one made Kate laugh so hard that she had to cover her mouth so her Coke wouldn’t come flying out, which made everyone laugh even harder.
At the end of lunch, Tim asked, “So, do you want to play with us sometime this week?”
“I would love to, but I don’t have any gear,” Kate replied, a ton of sadness in her voice.
“Actually, you do,” Sidney replied. “My mom secretly got some skates and gloves for you from Reebok, she told me this morning. And you can just take one of my sticks, we both shoot left. We don’t check or anything, just pick-up.”
“Then I’m in,” Kate said, since she now had gear.
“Great. How about tomorrow? You’re done around noon, right Sid?” Sam asked.
“Yeah, I’ll end a little early, then we can just use up the last of my ice time,” Sidney replied.
“Great, see you then! Well, we have to get off to our jobs, it was nice to meet you Kate,” Sam said.
“It was great to meet you guys, I’m excited for tomorrow,” Kate told all of them.

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